A Complete Guide to a Successful Cannabis Digital Marketing

Suppose you need cannabis digital marketing or a business that works with the marijuana industry. In that case, you should invest in digital marketing to increase your brand’s reach, attract more prospects, and boost sales, revenue, and profits.

This guide shows you many digital marketing options that cannabis dispensary digital marketing can use. Some digital marketing strategies help you get results quickly, while others allow you to reach your long-term growth goals. Some can do both.

Why is digital marketing for cannabis brands different?

Some things make it hard for marijuana businesses to use digital marketing. But the biggest reason is that pay-per-click ads and ads on social media are hard for companies that sell cannabis to use. These kinds of advertising are often the quickest and easiest ways to get a return on your digital investment, so not being able to use them well throws a wrench in things.

Compared to how non-cannabis businesses approach digital marketing, cannabis brands and dispensaries have to skip steps 1 and 2, forcing them to go through a cycle like this.

Cannabis dispensary content marketing

There’s no question about it; the business of selling marijuana is very regulated. Even so, the industry is expected to grow by as much as 22% by 2022. With so many cannabis digital marketing agency trying to be the best, getting people to know and trust your brand is harder.

Content marketing for a cannabis dispensary digital marketing company is another part of digital marketing that uses the power of words to spread the word about a brand. In this business, words will be your best weapon. A cannabis content strategist needs to follow FDA rules, stay creative, and know the industry, among other things.

A cannabis content strategist will develop more creative ways to get people to know about a cannabis company’s brand. Instead of marketing a product, a content strategist will use various methods to educate the people they want to reach. Education and creativity are of the utmost importance in this highly regulated industry, as they will increase brand awareness.

  1. Invest in making content and SEO.
  2. Wait a vague amount of time and 
  3. start bringing in traffic and making sales.

PPC and social media advertising can get you traffic right away, but it’s often of lower quality than traffic that comes from SEO.

How do you market cannabis?

You may ask how to combine all this information into a successful cannabis digital marketing campaign. Creating a marketing campaign takes preparation and strategy for each promotional channel. Why create Instagram content if your audience doesn’t utilize it? In your next campaign, include these elements:

  • Measurable Goals

Successful cannabis digital marketing campaigns have goals. A movement without dreams is like hoping marketing content works. When planning your next campaign, ask what you want to achieve and how it fits into your business strategy.

SMART goals are Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based. By making goals with these five traits, you will be more likely to reach them.

  • Audience-specific content

Ad creative is the content that makes up a marketing campaign. When most people think of making a marketing campaign, this is the first thing that comes to mind.

Start with your audience when creating marketing materials. What attracts them? They want what? Who might ask? By customizing your message, you’ll increase conversions.

In the cannabis digital marketing business, knowing what you can and can’t say in your campaign is important. You might not be able to show someone smoking cannabis on many platforms, for example. Also, you won’t be able to say anything about health, so don’t include that in your copy.

  • The Right Mix of Media

Successful cannabis digital marketing campaigns use cross-channel methods to promote your brand everywhere your customer is looking. Your target audience may read news online, while others use social media. You can create an effective media campaign by knowing your audience and what channels they utilize.

  • Tracking Metrics

Find the most important metrics to track for your marketing plan for cannabis digital marketing. Say you want to increase website visitors by 10% and use programmatic display advertisements that link to your site. You’d like to know the number of ad impressions and clicks that led to website sessions.

Tracking metrics like these will show you how well your ads are doing. They give you important information that can help you make decisions, like whether to change the ad or try a different platform.


Cannabis digital marketing can be very helpful for businesses in the marijuana industry. Still, you need to know all the rules and laws to avoid getting into what could be expensive trouble. Work with a marketing expert in the cannabis industry to get the best results and stay out of trouble.

At QRX Dispensary, we can help you grow your business by running online marketing campaigns for cannabis that are both effective and legal in your state. We have experts who can show you how to do digital marketing for cannabis the right way. 

From a cannabis digital marketing blog, SEO tactics, graphics, etc., QRX Dispensary is here for you.  If you want to learn more, contact us.

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